Ask John Taylor Gatto a Question

My all-time favorite education author, John Taylor Gatto, is soliciting reader questions which he can answer publicly on his blog.

This is an awesome opportunity! The two times that I saw John speak at a conference, he was mobbed by listeners with questions after every session.

If you’d like to ask John a question, follow the guidelines below.

Since his boyhood, John has had eclectic interests; from earliest his recollections he is interested in everything under the sun, but does not claim expertise in everything (if anything!); however, he is interested and willing to render candid opinions in any area one prefers (except medical advice), as long as one agrees to take his response to a question as merely a personal opinion, rendered free of charge or hidden agenda.

Questions must adhere to these four rules:

1. Don’t ask more than one question
2. Don’t ask if you already know the answer
3. Don’t ask him to predict the future
4. Don’t ask rhetorical questions, or use a question to state a position or to be silly; otherwise, ask anything

Send your question, one at a time, to:

To read the response, as well as responses to all questions replied to, visit, where you may also sign up to receive direct emails from John.



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